Flutter Interview Questions and Answers
- What is Flutter?
- Is there a difference between Flutter and React Native?
- What is the architecture of flutter?
- Is there a difference between Flutter and React Native?
- What are gestures flutter?
- What is onTapDown flutter?
- What is Stack widget in Flutter?
- What is Flex Flutter?
- What is SafeArea flutter?
- What is Scaffold in Flutter?
Q.1: What is Flutter?
Google’s Flutter is an open-source user interface software development kit. It is used to create cross-platform applications from a single codebase for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web.
It allows programmers to develop code once and utilise it across various platforms because it is a cross-platform framework. This means that a single programme can be used on both iOS and Android devices. As with native frameworks, this saves a lot of time and effort when building code for several platforms.
Q.2: Is there a difference between Flutter and React Native?

Flutter is simpler and more adaptable to changes introduced by operating system updates. React Native is dependent on device native parts, which necessitates additional adoption efforts for iOS and Android apps in the event of system changes.
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Q.3: What is the architecture of flutter?
Flutter is designed as a multi-layered, extendable system. It works as a series of independent libraries, each of which is dependent on the underlying layer. Each component of the framework level can be replaced, and no layer has privileged access to the layer below.
1. Framework Dart
Users often interact with Flutter via the Flutter framework, which provides a modern, reactive framework developed in the Dart programming language.
- Basic foundational classes, as well as building block services such as animation, painting, and gestures, provide regularly used abstractions over the underlying base.
- The rendering layer acts as a layer of abstraction for dealing with layout. Users can use this layer to create a tree of renderable items. These components can be manipulated dynamically, with the tree automatically changing the layout to reflect user modifications.
- A composition abstraction is the widgets layer. Each render object in the rendering layer corresponds to a widgets layer class. Furthermore, the widgets layer allows you to define class combinations that can be reused. This is the layer that introduces the reactive programming model.
- The Material and Cupertino libraries provide full sets of controls that implement the Material or iOS design languages by utilising the widget layer’s composition primitives.
2. Flutter engine
The Flutter engine, which is developed primarily in C++ and implements the primitives required by all Flutter apps, lies at the heart of Flutter. When a new frame needs to be painted, the engine is in charge of rasterizing composited scenes. It implements Flutter’s basic API at the lowest level, including graphics (using Skia), text layout, file and network I/O, accessibility support, plugin architecture, and a Dart runtime and compilation toolchain.
3. Platform-specific embedder
A platform-specific embedder serves as an entry point, collaborates with the underlying operating system to gain access to services such as rendering surfaces, accessibility, and input, and maintains the message event loop. By using embedder, Flutter code can be embedded as a module into an existing application.
Q.4: What are gestures flutter?
Flutter’s gestures are an unique feature that allows us to interact with the mobile app (or any touch-based device). In general, gestures are any physical action or movement performed by a user with the goal of controlling a mobile device.
Q.5: What is onTapDown flutter?
onTapDown flutter is a pointer that could cause a tap with a primary button has made contact with the screen at a specific area. So if the winning gesture has not yet been chosen, this is called after a short timeout. If the tap gesture is successful, onTapUp is called, or else onTapCancel is called.
Q.6: What is Stack widget in Flutter?
In Flutter, a stack is a widget that holds a list of widgets and arranges them one on top of the other. In other terms, the stack enables developers to combine several widgets into a single screen, rendering them from bottom to top.
Q.7: What is Flex Flutter?
Users can alter the axis along which the children are arranged (horizontal or vertical) using the Flex widget. Wrap a child in an Expanded widget to force it to grow to occupy the available space in the direction of this widget’s main axis.
Q.8: What is SafeArea flutter?
SafeArea is an important and helpful widget in Flutter that makes the user interface dynamic and adaptable to a broad range of devices. SafeArea is just a padding widget that adds padding to the app depending on the device it is running on. When an app’s widgets overlap any of the system’s features, such as notches, the status bar, camera holes, or other similar elements, SafeArea will provide padding around the app as needed.
Q.9: What is Scaffold in Flutter?
The Scaffold is a Flutter widget that implements the basic material design visual layout structure. The Scaffold class provides a shortcut for setting up the appearance and feel of our app, allowing us to avoid manually building the individual visual parts. It saves us time from having to build extra code for the app’s look and feel.
Q. 10: What are the advantages of Dart in programming?
Flutter supports two programming languages Dart and C++, but the former was specially created for use. Therefore, Flutter questions almost naturally always flow into the Dart space. Any Flutter developer must have at least basic understanding of Dart.
Unlike Python, Javascript, PHP, Ruby and etc., Dart uses static typing, which makes it type-safe and easier to detect and avoid runtime errors, as well as ensure effective code optimization overall.
dart night is comming
While Dart is fairly similar to Javascript, it runs code multiple times faster than the latter. The Dart VM (virtual machine) uses both Just-in-Time (JIT) and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilers to ensure faster and better code performance.
More so, Dart uses object-oriented programming, which makes it very scalable and stable for building even the most complex applications.
How do widgets work?
Flutter is known to heavily rely on widgets (like how React uses components). Every widget is used to execute a build() function and these units of composition make up the entire UI. Therefore, any set of Flutter technical interview questions that does not include widget-related inquiry is most probably not enough.
As its official documentation admits, almost everything is a widget, including layout models, images, and texts. Its layouts are built by assembling smaller widgets, each nested within a parent widget, to make bigger and more complex widgets.
flutter developer interview questions should always include something about widgets
Widgets serve a variety of aims including animation, input functionality, async functionality, interaction models, accessibility, scrolling, and style, among many others. Non-dynamic widgets like icons and labels are stateless widgets, while dynamic widgets such as Slider, TextField, Checkbox, etc. are stateful widgets.
What are some editors used in Flutter development?
The most popular Flutter IDEs include Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Xcode, Emacs, Visual Studio, Codemagic, among others. top flutter interview questions
- IntelliJ IDEA is feature-rich, boasts extensive support for many languages, and provides smart coding assistance. Most beginner developers would probably get by with the free Community Edition, but the paid Ultimate Edition is required to access additional features.
- Android Studio works like IntelliJ IDEA but for Android only. Unlike the latter, though, Android studio is free and open-source. With smart coding assistance and a built-in debugger, it seems the best choice when programming for Android devices.
- Visual Studio code, or simply VS Code, is a free tool backed by Microsoft. It speeds up development and lowers development time to minutes. It works with Windows, macOS, and Linux.
To add to this, you can also ask Flutter questions about what their favorite IDE is and justification for their choice. top flutter interview questions 2022
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