Fair Files
A FIC (File Integrity Checker) App for checking the Integrity of a file and tells the user if the file content has been modified or not.

Getting Started
To test this FIC(File Integrity Checker) App, follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using Git.
$ git clone https://github.com/ayato91/Fair-Files.git
- Set Up Your Flutter Environment: Ensure you have Flutter and Dart installed on your development machine. Follow the Flutter installation guide for detailed instructions.
- Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and run the following command to install the app’s dependencies:
$ flutter pub get
- Run the App: Launch the app on an emulator or physical device by running the following command:
$ flutter run
- Start Exploring: Select a file to generate a unique ID. Use the ID along with the file to check the integrity of that file.
The app relies on several Flutter packages and libraries, including:
- flutter_bloc for state management of the app.
- file_picker for select and pick the file.
- http for fetch and post data to the backend server.
For adding any package:
$ flutter pub add package_name
You can find the complete list of dependencies in the pubspec.yaml
file. Follow the pub.dev for more dependencies.
Thank You!
Resources Used:
You can check out the entire code of this App here:
Get Full Source Code
This was all about a quick go through the basic flutter App UI Screen. If you need any assistance regarding flutter app development, you can consult a flutter developer from FlutterDesk. We would love to be of help. Still, if you feel any difficult while dealing with Flutter app development projects, you can reach out to us or hire Flutter developers to outsource any of your app development project.
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Happy coding! 😉
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