Book Library
Book Library app with flutter where u can make simple CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete). This application has a dark theme, the state is managed by the ThemeNotifier
class and injected by the Provider
package. This simple application demonstrates the use of the Provider
package in specific the ChangeNotifierProvider
. I make use of a simple model, together with a Notifier
class which extends from ChangeNotifier

This project contains adaptive widgets, to display both on a phone and a tablet.

This project is mainly focused for Flutter users who would like to use the Provider
package suggested by the Flutter team. So in short this project contains following use cases Book Library app with flutter:
- Use of a
extends ChangeNotifier
class - Provide the
class withChangeNotifierProvider
from theProvider
package - Simple widget tests
- Dark and light theme, with the possibilty to switch at runtime
- Adaptive widgets to display on both a phone and tablet (master and details view)
- Use of assets
- Use of external fonts
- Logo generations by
package - Flutter version:
Design inspired by Shirish Shikhrakar
This Flutter app contains some simple widget tests to demonstrate the way you should handle widget tests in your Flutter app. These tests should be run every time you commit a change, if needed update the tests. This will ensure the quality of your application.
Getting Started
Clone this repo and look into the source code
git clone
flutter run
flutter test
- Provider
- smooth_star_rating
- image_test_utils
- smooth_star_rating
- flutter_speed_dial
- flutter_launcher_icons
Resources Used:
You can check out the entire code of this App here:
Get Full Source Code
This was all about a quick go through the basic flutter App UI Screen. If you need any assistance regarding flutter app development, you can consult a flutter developer from FlutterDesk. We would love to be of help. Still, if you feel any difficult while dealing with Flutter app development projects, you can reach out to us or hire Flutter developers to outsource any of your app development project.
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Happy coding! 😉
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